Tseng Lab @
NTU Entomology
Welcome to Urban/Invasive Insect Genetics Laboratory!


The Tseng Lab focuses on the study of urban and invasive insects, employing an interdisciplinary approach that integrates genetics, genomics, behavior, and evolutionary biology. Our primary objective is to deepen our understanding of these insects and develop effective strategies for their management.
We are dedicated to addressing the following research questions:
How do invasive species spread on local and global scales?
What factors contribute to the invasion success of alien species?
How do insect pests coevolve with their symbionts, such as gut microbiota, and with their nest symbionts like myrmecophiles?
What are the factors that lead to control failure in managing urban and invasive pests?
Our research on cryptic invasion and hybridization in Dolichoderus thoracicus
Our study investigates the rare phenomenon of intraspecific cryptic invasions in the black cocoa ant, Dolichoderus thoracicus, a significant pest in Taiwan. Through genome-wide SNP analysis, we uncovered the coexistence of native and nonnative lineages, along with evidence of hybridization. These findings shed light on the hidden complexity of biological invasions, offering valuable insights into their implications for biodiversity conservation and pest management.

Our research on trophic egg transfer in Dolichoderus thoracicus
This figure shows queen-produced eggs (red arrows) and worker-produced eggs (blue arrows) as they are allocated among D. thoracicus colony members. Yellow arrows indicate typical foraging patterns, while dotted lines denote the seldom occurrence of queen foraging.

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